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Decorative objects Esoteric jewelery Minerals and rocks




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Kő-Dekor Art & Design Kőipari Kft.




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A projekt címe:
Eszközbeszerzés a Kő-Dekor 2002 Bt. termelési kapacitásának növelésére

A kedvezményezett neve:
KŐ-DEKOR 2002 Kőipari Betéti Társaság

A szerződött támogatás összege: 49 948 200 Ft

A támogatás mértéke: 45 %

A projekt tartalma:
A 2002-ben alakult Kő-Dekor 2002 Bt. - fő profilja 2370'08 Kőmegmunkálás- projektjének célja eszközbeszerzés a vállalkozás profiljának bővítése érdekében.
A pályázat során egy THIBAUT T812 V4 4 tengelyes L CNC megmunkáló központ kerül beszerzésre a cég székhelyén. A beruházás alkalmat nyújt, hogy e nem tőkeerős magyar tulajdonú kisvállalkozás a hatékonyságnövekedés által olyan termékeket és szolgáltatásokat valósítson meg, amit jelenleg csak nagy múltú tőkeerős nyugati vállalatok tudhatnak magukénak, s amely belépőt jelenthet a nemzetközi piacra. A jelen projekt keretében felvázolt beruházások, korszerűsítések ezért mind rövid, mind hosszútávon való megvalósítását szolgálják. A fejlesztés révén már egy-két éven belül elérhetővé válhat olyan termékek gyártása és szolgáltatások biztosítása, melyek már kifejezetten a nemzetközi piaci igényeknek, a meglévő ügyfélkör egyedi specifikumainak megfelelően kerültek kialakításra.

A projekt tervezett befejezési dátuma: 2016.12.31.

A projekt azonosító száma: GINOP-1.2.2-15-2015-00509

Közreműködő szervezet:
Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium - Gazdaságfejlesztési Programokért Felelős Helyettes Államtitkárság
1139 Budapest, Váci út 81-83.
Tel: (+36 40) 200-617

Our services


Large and small trade
- Planning
- Processing
Chiseling, carving, engraving
- Minerals and jewelry distribution
- Art of street
- Monument Restoration
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Marble - granite - limestone - quarzit and exclusive sourcing, marketing, processing and production of construction, interior design and use of materials funerary products. Details...

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Our main activities include various marble, granite and limestone raw materials made of tombstones manufacture, marketing and design. Details...

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Building work

As a large proportion of stone in our architecture profile includes kitchen, bathroom counters, stairs, window sills, facade, patio covers manufacturing, distribution and installation Details...



Interior design elements


Kitchen Countertops
- Bathroom counters
- Tables
Wall and floor coverings
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Bathroom items

Bathrooms include a number of elements be reflected in the granite, limestone, quartzite or floor tiles, wall covering, as a counter or sink. Details...

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Kitchen items

Granite countertops, and kitchen items, ceramics and quartzite. The infinite variety of natural stone and give a specific and unique lend. Details...

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Office items

The decorative elements of our offices be reflected in the granite, limestone, quartzite, like floor tiles, wall coverings, in the form of office equipment. Details...



Interior design elements 2


- Design elements
- Fireplaces
- Stairs
- Cornices
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Because of granite, marble, limestone staircases made decorative appearance and durability are useful and enhance the atmosphere of our home. Details...

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Design products

An excellent choice for an elegant, sleek modern shapes of our homes. Back smuggler with the nature of the walls, so again a real relationship can be developed with our world. Details

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Distribution in a wide range - fireplaces and fireplace floorings, depending on the version, classic and modern style furnaces. Details...



Exclusive materials


- Luxury collection
- Onixes
- Marbles
- Quartzits
- Ceramics
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The interior design market is the youngest material in the Neolith and UNICERAMICA ceramics. Due to the specific character of the products used in many areas, both indoors and indoors. ...

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Modern kitchens must-see accessories - pure colors and outstanding technical talent. Details

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Special, exclusive decorative stones, onyx processing, positioning. Get one of these illuminated stone on the floor or on the wall, is decorated in an apartment, which can be justly proud. Details



Funerary products


- Vases
- Kaspi
- Candles
- Crosses
- Sculptures
- Rosettes
- Wreath Holders
- Urns
- Caissons
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Bronze products

We are selling the bronze funerary ornaments, vases, candle holders, bronze letters, which can be mounted in a professional manner to their destination....

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Stone products

Marble, granite, limestone, supply, distribution and processing of construction, interior design and use of funeral products and quarzit Exlusive materials. Details

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Artificial stone products

Artificial stone products are antique, travertine and bronze finish, so the granite monuments can be prestigious adornments.



Stone caption


- Hand-engraving
- Laser engraving
- Machine engraving
- Machine carvings
- Manual carvings
- Bronze letters
- Aluminium letters
- Enameled letters
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Based on your ideas and photos taken in the dark, mostly black stones of various sizes undertake figures, portraits and engraving objects. Deatils...

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Engraved letters

Our use of technology is mostly used sandblasting alphabetical uniform depth can produce large surfaces to display the letters and graphics....

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Bronze letters

The bronze letters offer an excellent opportunity for a durable and attractive decoration of the monuments, gravestones, street signs labeling. Several bronze font sizes and styles can be found....



Stone processing


- Block Stone processing
- CNC processing
- Grinding, polishing
-- Stokking
-- Flaming
- Sandblasting
- Hand-carving
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Stone cutting

Current toughest rocks suitable for our machines for cutting, cutting marble, granite-like limestone, basalt-andesite-ceramic, etc.

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Our company takes all the hard rock grinding, polishing, as well as on-site limestone marble floors, stairs renovation, polishing.

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Motifs, images, carving shapes, whether manual or automated, embossed or bas-relief, experts realize what you have imagined....



Stone care products


- Stone Cleaners
- Stone-care products
- Stone glues
- Silicones
- Impregnating
- Color deep changer
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Applicability: The cleaning AKEMI finely polished stone, polished, non-absorbent and absorbent stones such as crop and plant. marble, granite, terrazzo surface is suitable for indoor care....

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Stone care

  A silicon-based stone polish polish that cleans a single administration .This gives a new light to the polishing floors, tabletops and work surfaces.  ...

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Application: AKEMI can make the natural stone impregnating and Special for impregnating all absorbent mineral building materials water-repellent. Details
